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Month: January 2011

Today’s Shared Items – January 31, 2011

Posted in General Store

Coverage of Egypt tainted by America's narcissism January 31, 2011 – This is sort of snarky and jumbly, and makes some good points, even if they are obscured by the tone. What I would like to see from American coverage of Egypt is some reporting on what our government is likely doing behind the scenes. Heck, I would be satisfied with some acknowledgement that public statements aimed at the American public are far less consequential…

Today’s Shared Items – January 29, 2011

Posted in General Store

All-time greatest Oscar heists January 28, 2011 The Envelope Please…. January 29, 2011 – I like to point out the limitations of blogging/new media when I see them. I also like to point out its strengths. Here is an awesome feature that would never, ever apear in your local newspaper. But it’s great. Beer News: Jester King Grand Opening This Weekend January 28, 2011

Today’s Shared Items – January 28, 2011

Posted in General Store

Governor Rick Perry Urges Republican Voters to Abandon Public Schools January 28, 2011 – I am speechless. There is amazing stuff all through here. But here is my very favorite part: ” Do we really need free school bus service, Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Asian-Pacific Heritage Month, ESL, special needs and enrichment programs like music, art or math Olympiad? I think we should get back to the basics of the three Rs, reading…

Today’s Shared Items – January 27, 2011

Posted in General Store

Blind Orangutan Gives Birth To Twins In Indonesia (PHOTOS) January 27, 2011 – I am sincerely confused. What am I missing here? Is the news that the mother is blind, or that she had twins? Because blind mother orangoutangs can’t see where to drop their babies…or whut? Atlas chugged: The Black Star Co-op experience January 27, 2011 – Black Star is great, and despite the Atlas Shrugged (huh?) references I do get, and the TV…

Today’s Shared Items – January 25, 2011

Posted in General Store

Democrats and Republicans may sit together for Obama's speech, but partisanship won't budge. January 25, 2011 – I’m your classic Mr. Smith Goest to Washington/GooGoo type, and so I like the idea of our lawmakers sitting together at the SOTU. But honestly, the main thing we’ll get tonight is a frenzy of camera-shots and media commentary about facial expressions and body language. Think awards show or high-profile criminal court case. Study: Men are distracted by…

Today’s Shared Items – January 24, 2011

Posted in General Store

SXSW launches Internet radio station January 24, 2011 Broadway Revival of Evita, with Ricky Martin and Elena Roger, Due in March 2012 January 24, 2011 – OK, I don’t know who Elena is, so I have no opinion. but Ricky Martin? Seriously? I feel privileged to have seen the original. Gatti's adding extra-large restaurants in four cities January 24, 2011 – Because pizza makes you fat. Bwa ha ha ha ha.

Today’s Shared Items – January 22, 2011

Posted in General Store

Did Obama dye his gray hair away? – Yahoo! News January 22, 2011 – Even as I hope we do someday have a female president, I fear the hair/plastic surgery/fad diet/whatever stories that would inevitably result. European 'Road Train' Cars Drive Themselves While You Sleep (PICTURES) January 22, 2011 – this is the sort of stuff Frank and I invent over beers, or on long driving trips. Anthony Hopkins: Alfred Hitchcock In New Movie? January…

Today’s Shared Items – January 21, 2011

Posted in General Store

State Rep. Stefani Carter Loses "TeaApproved" Status — Tea Party | The Texas Tribune January 21, 2011 – You know that saying, liberals fall in love, conservatives fall in line? The Tea Party thingie has been around les than 2 years and already they’re approving and disapproving people. Hard core, man. Apple Reveals Top Free iPad Apps Of All Time (PICTURES) January 21, 2011 – I do not want to hear the phrase “of all…