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Category: General Store

iOS Access for All, iOS 12 Edition is on its Way

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, and General Store

I just announced that the iOS 12 edition of my book will be available later this fall, and that you can get it free if you buy a copy of the iOS 11 edition between now and the release date for the new book. That’s my standard release strategy, and one of the things I do on release day each year is to send out new books to all the folks who buy after the…

iOS Access for All Update Released

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, General Store, and New Media and Tech

I’m thrilled to announce that the new edition of my book, iOS Access for All, is ready and waiting for you right here. There you’ll find buy links, the table of contents, and many more words you can read. Get the ePub for $20. I’m really proud of this one, and there’s a bit more new material this time than last. That’s partly due to Apple’s interface changes, and partly because I added depth to several…

Podcast Updates

Posted in General Store

I’ve been slow to update my podcast appearance feed. Honestly, I’m not certain how many people use it, but it’s easy for me to make the feed, so I do. Today’s updates feature three Maccessibility Roundtables, one iAccessVO (thanks for having me guys, even I share the show title with PornHub), and one Clockwise. Please enjoy, and let me know if you like the podcast feed. Shelly Brisbin Podcast Appearances RSS

Backdated Self-Promotion

Posted in General Store

A couple of things got by me on the self-promotion schedule. And, fair warning, there are more links coming. I’ve been doing a lot of writing and talking lately, and the products of those efforts tend to drop out of the sky in weird little clumps. This week, I’ve been working on the update to my book, iOS Access for All: Your Comprehensive Guide to Accessibility for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. I announced the…

Wag a Long Tail: Pondering How to Write about Old Movies

Posted in Classic Film, General Store, and Random Personal Nonsense

A few weeks ago, I updated the categories on my little blog. I wanted to give some love to the various long tails referenced up there in the tagline. OK, so write something, already! I’ve loved classic film since high school, when I…that’s a blog post I’ll write later. Suffice it to say, old movies have been an obsession of mine for EVER. And, like most hobbies, or fandoms, or relic-worship topics, the Internet has…

Sample SXSW Music: The Roundup

Posted in General Store

It’s that time of year. SXSW Music (and Etcetera) is upon us again. As my annual public service, I offer you links to a wide range of music samplers and playlists, available for free around the Internet. They range from the venerable Unofficial SXSW Torrents to the offerings of record companies and show promoters. I update the post as links arrive, so keep checking back. If you know of more, please drop me a line,…

You’re the Last to Know

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, and General Store

A bit less than a month ago, I released an updated version of my book, iOS Access for All. The new edition covers iOS 8. I would just love for you to buy, read, and enjoy a copy of the book. I would also love to be able to tell you why my own blog, the one that features an image of the book’s cover there on the sidebar, is the last to get the…

Mentioning My Twitter Doppelgängers

Posted in General Store, and New Media and Tech

I have a very special first-world problem. It’s not the kind that revolvers around money, or stuff, or even the temperature of my latte. It’s a social media first-world problem.  I joined Twitter early. Like, in February or March 2007. I was actually invited in late 2006, but there’s no need to gild this particular lille. Because I could, I claimed the Twitter name @shelly for my own. Had I not joined Twitter for professional…

Mainstream Cheerleaders Defend Apple Accessibility

Posted in Access and Disability, and General Store

Last week’s kerfuffle about the National Federation of the Blind’s (NFB) resolution asking Apple to make a more vigorous effort to ensure the accessibility of third-party apps accomplished several things: it got lots of mainstream attention for the NFB, and united the Apple-centric press in righteous indignation over perceived defamation of the Cupertino company. What it didn’t do, in mainstream journalism, at least, was facilitate a discussion of what the NFB resolution seeks, or whether…

My book, iOS Access for All, is available now!

Posted in Access and Disability, Announcements, and General Store

I’m thrilled to announce the availability of my book, iOS Access for All: Your Comprehensive Guide to Accessibility on iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. The book guides readers through all accessibility features available on Apple’s mobile devices. Whether you’re just getting started with iOS, or want to learn more about apps and accessibility tools you already use, iOS Access for All has all the bases covered. With information of interest to users who are blind,…