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Tag: sampler

Sample SXSW Music: The Roundup

Posted in General Store

It’s that time of year. SXSW Music (and Etcetera) is upon us again. As my annual public service, I offer you links to a wide range of music samplers and playlists, available for free around the Internet. They range from the venerable Unofficial SXSW Torrents to the offerings of record companies and show promoters. I update the post as links arrive, so keep checking back. If you know of more, please drop me a line,…

This Year’s Free SXSW Music Samplers

Posted in General Store

For the past few years, I’ve been posting links to music samplers associated with the extravaganza that is the SXSW Music festival, here in Austin. These samplers come from record companies plugging their showcasing bands, NPR stations, and most awesomely, from the nice folks at The (Unofficial) SXSW Torrents site, who scoop up the tracks made available by SXSW itself, and package them in several juicy torrent files. In fact, downloading these torrents has been…

Your SXSW 2013 Sampler Links

Posted in General Store, and Random Personal Nonsense

Each year’s SXSW conference turns my hometown into a giant carnival of music, food, and strangers from strange lands. You can’t turn a corner, or order a cup of coffee without tripping over a guitar player. Which is only a bad thing if the guitar player and his band are in line in front of you. My contribution to SXSW coverage is a listing of free music downloads and samplers, featuring bands who will be…