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Tangled Up in Tales

Posted in Cocktails and Spirits

Ah, well. No blogging from me during Tales of the Cocktail. A quick look at my favorite “booze blogs” lets me know that I am not the only one who found events on the ground more compelling in real time than going back to the room to write. I also find it a bit difficult to focus (with or without cocktails) on writing while I’m in the midst of a whirlwind trip, hunched over a laptop. tiny screens, squirrelly keyboards, and flaky Internet, y’know?

So today I do my penance, writing for you, and for The Spirit World. I’m also doing penance in that the 26 pounds of stuff I acquired at tales is not here with me. I schlepped it to FedEx on Saturday for shipment home. I put the box on the slow boat, so it will be here Friday. I do have recordings and pictures from Tales, and a few books I bought. I should be able to make something of that.

Oh, among the topics I’m planning to write about are these: differences between tech and cocktail conferences/media, 21st century gin and the passionate people who talk about it, absinthe then and now, and mixer appreciation. I also picked a couple of product announcements that need writing up, and some iPhone apps that will find their way onto App Store Pundit over the next few episodes.

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